On 8th October 2017 Whiteleaf Bowmen held their first Sam Fowler Memorial Shoot, in memory of a much-loved club member who passed away from breast cancer after battling the disease heroically.

Sam combined being a top class archer, qualifying to shoot for England, with a tremendous sense of fun. We were all asked to wear something yellow as it was her favourite colour. The round chosen as a fitting tribute to her was the Pope and Young. This is a round that combines shooting skill, speed, and plenty of scope for barracking and laughter. It is great fun, chaotic and very demanding. We finished off with a ‘split the wand’ which was won in the first round by Alison Shearer from Melton Mowbray. Justyn Fowler was Lord Paramount for the day and donated the trophy, he also said a few words about Sam and their relationship with the club.
Soup and rolls were served during each break, there was plenty of tea and cake too. We had some excellent raffle prizes donated by local companies including Chiltern Archery and Quicks.
The weather was kind and the shoot was a tremendous success, with all proceeds going to the Iain Rennie Hospice.

If you want a great day’s shooting doing a round that had faded into obscurity but is definitely worthy of being revived, please join us next year on Sunday 7th October.
