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Archer of the Year 2024 Nominees

The Archer of the Year award is presented to an archer in respect of their service to the county, or their club, or in recognition of their own personal progress or achievement.

The winner will be chosen by vote at the Bucks AA AGM this Saturday 2nd November 10:00 at Buckland Village Hall.

Congratulations to the following archers, who have been nominated for the award-


Neill Ovenden, Whiteleaf Bowmen

For successfully organising and running the BAA County Championship and Open Shoot on Sunday 1st September with 96 archers registered for the event and 90 shooting on the day.  A most enjoyable event that could not have happened without Neill's drive and determination. 

Sue & Alan Crowe, South Bucks Archers


I would like to nominate Neill Ovenden for his work organising and running the County Championships.  He has reinvigorated the day, increasing the number of archers competing and running a very smooth and enjoyable shoot.

John O’Keeffe, Whiteleaf Bowmen


Sue Mitchell, Shenley Archers

I would like to nominate Sue Mitchell for the above award. Sue has had an amazing year shooting with both Shenley Archers and representing the county, having broken numerous club and county records for women’s barebow. Whilst quietly spoken, Sue let’s her shooting do the talking!

Cliff Amos, Shenley Archers

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