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Bucks AA Archer of the Year

Congratulations go to Kevin Gray of South Bucks Archers, who is pictured holding the trophy, alongside our Chairman, Alan Crowe.

Kevin was nominated for his commitment and effort to keeping South Bucks Archers going throughout the pandemic and beyond. He has also has given up a lot of his shooting time to help others and goes out of his way to chat with people and make them feel part of the club. In addition, he has been shooting to a high standard, becoming one of the country's best recurve flight archers.

The other nominees were Adele Baines (Shenley) a relatively new archer, who has got involved with the County Team and who was this year's Lady Recurve County Champion. And Julie Morling (Whiteleaf) in recognition of her continuing work for coaching development within the County. Both of them are to be commended for being identified as worthy of nomination.

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